CEFR Standards for Foreign Language Testing

CEFR Standards for Foreign Language Testing

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94th Meeting of the SGU Linguistics Group

"CEFR Standards for Foreign Language Testing"

5:00 p.m., December 20, 2018 (networking party following)
A-kan Building, 4 th Floor, A-425 conference room,
Sapporo Gakuin University, Bunkyodai 11, Ebetsu, Hokkaido


場所:札幌学院大学A館4階A425共同研究室 (江別市文京台11、正面左側の建物)

Admission: Free to all members and guests

Speaker: Bordin Chinda (Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University)
Title: CEFR Standards for Foreign Language Testing:
Development in Thailand and Implications for Japan

Published in 2001 by the Council of Europe and its member states, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) provides a comprehensive description of language ability, a set of illustrative descriptor scales for language proficiency levels, and guidelines for curriculum design. Since its publication, the CEFR has been playing an influential role in language education not only across Europe but also worldwide. With a rising concern on the nation’s English proficiency level, some parts of Thailand’s English education system have decided to adopt the CEFR. For example, one of the Office of Higher Education Commission’s English language education policies is that all tertiary students are required to take an English proficiency test, which, has to be equivalent to the CEFR or other standards. This talk, therefore, will explore the roles of CEFR in English language learning and teaching in Thailand. Also test development projects based on the CEFR and a validation project to align a locally produced test to the CEFR B1 level will be explained. Finally, the implications for Japan will be discussed.
単独開催に戻って今回は、12月に札幌学院大学を訪問なさるご予定のチェンマイ大学のBordinChinda先生に、 外国語運用能力の評価のためのヨーロッパ共通のガイドラインであるCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages にかんするタイでのご経験と日本での可能性についてお話しいただきます。使用言語は英語です。終了後は恒例の懇親会を予定しております。いずれも皆様のふるってのご参加をお待ちしております。
Bordin Chinda is an assistant professor at the English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University. His research interests include language test validation, impact/washback studies, performance-based assessment, innovation in language education, professional development, and English for Academic Purposes. Bordin holds a PhD in Language Testing and Assessment from the University of Nottingham, UK.