JALT Hokkaido Intercultural Awareness Series: Racism in Society/JALT北海道 異文化理解のためのシリーズイベント:社会における人種差別

JALT Hokkaido Intercultural Awareness Series: Racism in Society/JALT北海道 異文化理解のためのシリーズイベント:社会における人種差別

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2019年6月8日(土曜日) 17:30

Saturday 8 June, 2019

Time: 17:30

Free admission 参加費:無料

Location: Hokkai-Gakuen University 場所:北海学園大学(豊平キャンパス)

Speaker: Neal Hall M.D. NealHallpoet.com 講演者:ニール・ホール医学博士/詩人

Pre-register here/プレレジはこちらへ


Dr. Neal Hall’s poetry speaks not just to the surface pain of injustice but deep into that pain. We label and package into genteel socio-political-economic-religious constructs to blur the common lines of cause, that is our shared story. A shared story that should unite us in a common struggle to be free. Dr. Hall will do some short readings of his work, and then have a question and answer session about his work and experience as a poet.


Dr. Neal Hall is an internationally acclaimed poet. He was awarded the 2019 Black Caucus of the American Library Association Best Poetry Book Award. He has authored six books including, Weight of Just Black. His writing has been translated into 7 different languages. He has performed readings throughout the U.S. and internationally to include: Canada, France, Ghana, India, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, and Nepal. He graduated from Cornell and Harvard Universities and has previously worked as a surgical eye physician.   





ニール・ホール医学博士。世界的に著名な詩人。2019年Black Caucus of the American Library Association より Best Poetry Book Awardを受賞。「Weight of Just Black (ただの黒人であることの重み)」を含み、著書は6冊。著書は7カ国語に翻訳されており、世界各地で朗読を行う。コーネル大学、ハーバード大学を卒業。眼科専門の外科医として勤務した経歴を持つ。

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